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Suspense Or Thriller – Suspending parliament is bad news for the jobs market – or is it?

Suspense Or Thriller – Suspending parliament is bad news for the jobs market – or is it?

Since Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, made the controversial decision to suspend parliament from the 9th of September to the 14th of October, tensions within the UK have reached record levels. In a move which is said to have been made in order to thwart those looking to block a no-deal Brexit, we’ve had protests, endless social media posts and ‘experts’ telling us that it spells disaster for the job market but, is that the whole story?

What’s the deal?

During the period of suspension, MPs will, effectively not be working and, will be unable to pass any new legislation. From the announcement of the suspension, the pound has been steadily dropping and, the doom-mongerers are ringing their bells and declaring the death of the UK job market. The decline of the pound will, no doubt have an impact on some jobs but, during this time of uncertainty, it may not be the disaster we’re expecting. .

Keeping us in suspense

To begin with, if Mr Johnson’s cunning plan works and, a no deal Brexit is set in place, experts feel that this is likely to promote further education and vocational education within the UK, leading to more UK residents filling skilled positions. Despite the uncertainty of Brexit, unemployment within the UK remains low and, those in the know, feel that this will continue whatever the outcome of Brexit.

In the meantime, whilst parliament is suspended, there are some sectors of the professional world who are likely to benefit.

Business consultants

As UK businesses seek to prepare themselves for every eventuality, many are seeking the services of business consultants to help them see which way the wind blows. There’s been a significant increase in the contracting of such consultants since the vote to leave on the 23rd of June 2016 and, we’re set to see a sharp incline during suspension of parliament.

Recruitment consultants

As more and more non-UK employees leave the country, there are jobs to fill. August saw a huge number of EU born employees leaving and the UK is likely to need more recruitment consultants in order to match UK employees with newly vacated positions.

Legal consultants

During the time of limbo, there will be no new legislation passed; even that which has already been making it’s way through parliament. A number of UK businesses will be hiring legal consultants during this time in order to find ways to turn this to their advantage. We’ve already seen an increase in the hiring of legal consultants over the last couple of years as businesses try to figure out where they stand in terms of non-UK employees and, this is set to increase further over the next few weeks.

There’s no doubt that the country is currently in a deep period of confusion and uncertainty and, we can only wait with bated breath to find out what’s going to happen next!

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